Swatch Blankets

At Bredemeier, we are your leading swatch blankets manufacturer, producing swatch blankets of both leather and fabric. Swatch blankets are ideal display items to use within retail environments and by designers and sales reps as a great tool for selling opportunities. We commonly manufacture swatch blankets is sizes range from 24” x 24” to 54” x 54”, with any size in this range provided in either rectangles or squares.

Fabric and Leather Swatch Blankets

Various types of businesses utilize fabric and leather swatches to present product samples and product design options to customers. Leather and fabric swatch blankets, which are often draped over floor model furniture, are a type of presentation that can effectively inform customers about their options. They can help present products in a clear, understandable, and appealing manner, with the purpose of leading the customer to a purchase decision.

As an experienced fabric and leather swatch manufacturer, we are able to provide swatch blankets in these materials according to your requirements. Swatch blankets are larger in size than swatch memos and other swatch products, allowing customers to see a larger sample and the full pattern repeat when evaluating their options. We are able to customize the finishing of the swatch blankets. Common finishings include serging raw edges, pole pockets, and grommets.

Our team at Bredemeier can help ensure your swatch blankets are optimized in terms of design and finish to produce maximum impact upon your customers. We are here to work with you to help you achieve the effective marketing and sales swatch products you need for your business.

Contact us for Swatch Blankets

For more information about the swatch fabric and leather swatch blankets we offer, call us today at 773.237.1600 or complete our contact form.